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Simplyblock for AWS: Amazon EBS Alternative

High-performance, highly reliable and cost-efficient alternative for Amazon’s native Elastic Block Storage (EBS). Hybrid cloud storage solution for AWS and any other cloud or virtualization environment.

Why simplyblock for AWS?

Simplyblock high-performance block storage solution for EC2 is a perfect complement or alternative to Amazon EBS. It provides significant cost savings for GB/month over AWS gp2, gp3, io1 and io2 volumes, much higher data durability, much higher maximum IOPS and practically no extra costs per IOPS provisioned.You can explore our AWS performance test results to see how Simplyblock compares in real-world benchmarks.

Why simplyblock?

  • Cost-efficient:
    Costs are as low as 0,0022 USD per GB/month, 5x lower than for Amazon EBS storage
  • Unlimited IOPS:
    Costs per IOPS are up to 100x cheaper than for IOPS-provisioned Amazon EBS storage
  • Durable:
    We offer 99,9999% durability, compared to 99,8% of EBS storage
  • Ultra Fast:
    Less than 1 millisecond of access latency and up to 500.000 IOPS / volume

Use costs savings to grow your business

Simplyblock’s storage software lets you unlock the performance of NVMe drives at no extra cost. For IOPS-heavy workload the cost savings can amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Example configuration:

Effective capacity: 2.700 TB

Total IOPS (4KB, 70/30): 100M