EBS Volume Usage Calculator
On average, 70% of cloud block storage such as EBS is under-utilized. That typically means that many of storage consumers (e.g. databases) request more storage that they need, creating overall storage waste. Simplyblock’s EBS Volume Usage Calculator helps you understand the usage of persistent storage inside an Amazon EKS cluster and identify opportunities for EBS cost optimization. This isn’t always easy since most volumes are dynamically provisioned, so there is no general overview of how much storage is being actually used.
How it works:
Install our Amazon EBS Volume Exporter tool into your Kubernetes cluster. It automatically collects information about all provisioned Amazon EBS volumes, their IOPS, and throughput averages and maximums. The information will be exported into a CSV file.
Now provide your export file to our EBS Volume Usage Calculator. The EBS calculator will analyze your EBS volumes and provides you with an overview of your general overprovisioning, as well as information for each individual volume.
The calculator runs only in your browser.
No data is transmitted to our servers.
Upload your data export
- GiB
- Mbit/s
Used / Required
IOPS (avg)
Throughput (avg)
- Mbit/s
Cost Comparison
Assumed storage cost
$ -
Your cost with Simplyblock
$ -
Your Savings
$ -