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Production-grade PostgreSQL on Kubernetes with Álvaro Hernández Tortosa from OnGres (interview)

Updated: 10 hours ago

This interview is part of the Simplyblock Cloud Commute Podcast, available on Youtube, Spotify, iTunes/Apple Podcasts, Pandora, Samsung Podcasts, and our show site.

In this episode of the Cloud Commute podcast, Chris Engelbert is joined by Álvaro Hernández Tortosa, a prominent figure in the PostgreSQL community and CEO of OnGres. Álvaro shares his deep insights into running production-grade PostgreSQL on Kubernetes, a complex yet rewarding endeavor. The discussion covers the challenges, best practices, and innovations that make PostgreSQL a powerful database choice in cloud-native environments.

Key Takeaways

Q: Should you deploy PostgreSQL in Kubernetes?

Deploying PostgreSQL in Kubernetes is a strategic move for organizations aiming for flexibility and scalability. Álvaro emphasizes that Kubernetes abstracts the underlying infrastructure, allowing PostgreSQL to run consistently across various environments—whether on-premise or in the cloud. This approach not only simplifies deployments but also ensures that the database is resilient and highly available.

Q: What are the main challenges of running PostgreSQL on Kubernetes?

Running PostgreSQL on Kubernetes presents unique challenges, particularly around storage and network performance. Network disks, commonly used in cloud environments, often lag behind local disks in performance, impacting database operations. However, these challenges can be mitigated by carefully choosing storage solutions and configuring Kubernetes to optimize performance. Furthermore, managing PostgreSQL’s ecosystem—such as backups, monitoring, and high availability—requires robust tooling and expertise, which can be streamlined with solutions like StackGres.

Q: Why should you use Kubernetes for PostgreSQL?

Kubernetes offers a powerful platform for running PostgreSQL due to its ability to abstract infrastructure details, automate deployments, and provide built-in scaling capabilities. Kubernetes facilitates the management of complex PostgreSQL environments, making it easier to achieve high availability and resilience without being locked into a specific vendor’s ecosystem.

Q: Can I use PostgreSQL on Kubernetes with PGO?

Yes, you can. Tools like the PostgreSQL Operator (PGO) for Kubernetes simplify the management of PostgreSQL clusters by automating routine tasks such as backups, scaling, and updates. These operators are essential for ensuring that PostgreSQL runs efficiently on Kubernetes while reducing the operational burden on database administrators.

In addition to highlighting the key takeaways, it's essential to provide deeper context and insights that enrich the listener's understanding of the episode. By offering this added layer of information, we ensure that when you tune in, you'll have a clearer grasp of the nuances behind the discussion. This approach enhances your engagement with the content and helps shed light on the reasoning and perspective behind the thoughtful questions posed by our host, Chris Engelbert. Ultimately, this allows for a more immersive and insightful listening experience.

Key Learnings

Q: How does Kubernetes scheduler work with PostgreSQL?

Kubernetes uses its scheduler to manage how and where PostgreSQL instances are deployed, ensuring optimal resource utilization. However, understanding the nuances of Kubernetes' scheduling can help optimize PostgreSQL performance, especially in environments with fluctuating workloads.

Simplyblock Insight: Leveraging Simplyblock’s solution, users can integrate sophisticated monitoring and management tools with Kubernetes, allowing them to automate the scaling and scheduling of PostgreSQL workloads, thereby ensuring that database resources are efficiently utilized and downtime is minimized.

Q: What is the best experience of running PostgreSQL in Kubernetes?

The best experience comes from utilizing a Kubernetes operator like StackGres, which simplifies the deployment and management of PostgreSQL clusters. StackGres handles critical functions such as backups, monitoring, and high availability out of the box, providing a seamless experience for both seasoned DBAs and those new to PostgreSQL on Kubernetes.

Simplyblock Insight: By using Simplyblock’s Kubernetes-based solutions, you can further enhance your PostgreSQL deployments with features like dynamic scaling and automated failover, ensuring that your database remains resilient and performs optimally under varying loads.

Q: How does disk access latency impact PostgreSQL performance in Kubernetes?

Disk access latency is a significant factor in PostgreSQL performance, especially in Kubernetes environments where network storage is commonly used. While network storage offers flexibility, it typically has higher latency compared to local storage, which can slow down database operations. Optimizing storage configurations in Kubernetes is crucial to minimizing latency and maintaining high performance.

Simplyblock Insight: Simplyblock’s advanced storage solutions for Kubernetes can help mitigate these latency issues by providing optimized, low-latency storage options tailored specifically for PostgreSQL workloads, ensuring your database runs at peak efficiency.

Q: What are the advantages of clustering in PostgreSQL on Kubernetes?

Clustering PostgreSQL in Kubernetes offers several advantages, including improved fault tolerance, load balancing, and easier scaling. Kubernetes operators like StackGres enable automated clustering, which simplifies the process of setting up and managing a highly available PostgreSQL cluster.

Simplyblock Insight: With Simplyblock, you can easily deploy clustered PostgreSQL environments that automatically adjust to your workload demands, ensuring continuous availability and optimal performance across all nodes in your cluster.

Additional Nugget of Information

Q: What are the advantages of clustering in Postgres?

A: Clustering in PostgreSQL provides several benefits, including improved performance, high availability, and better fault tolerance. Clustering allows multiple database instances to work together, distributing the load and ensuring that if one node fails, others can take over without downtime. This setup is particularly advantageous for large-scale applications that require high availability and resilience. Clustering also enables better scalability, as you can add more nodes to handle increasing workloads, ensuring consistent performance as demand grows.


Deploying PostgreSQL on Kubernetes offers powerful capabilities but comes with challenges. Álvaro Hernández Tortosa highlights how StackGres simplifies this process, enhancing performance, ensuring high availability, and making PostgreSQL more accessible. With the right tools and insights, you can confidently manage PostgreSQL in a cloud-native environment.

Full Video Transcript


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